An Arts & Lifestyle Magazine Covering Creative Tallinn
Tallinn Arts
03 Preview
Xenia Creativity | Resistance in Fashion | Top Twenty Global Financial Centres | Tallinn's Exclusive Cigar Club | Jassi Zaharov | and many more.
Tallinn Arts Magazine 02
Aivar Polak | Drinking Tallinn In | Paul Kuimet | Modern Artisanship: Cumstom Made Shoes | The BMW 7-Series: Built to last | Estonias New Snow Queen | and many more.
Selection of Articles from TA Magazine
Karoli Hindriks
A chat with inventor, entrepreneur and founder at Jobbatical
Nikolai Triik: Estonia's Master Modernist
Nikolai Triik (1884-1940) was one of Estonia’s most important exponents of Modernism in painting. Triik was at the vanguard of a group of young painters and writers who turned...
Director at Metro Models
It was coincidence of circumstances. First I started working for Metro Models in Zurich doing different things...
Notes on Space
A look at Estonian photographer Paul Kuimet's exhibition 'Notes on Space'.
Tallinn's Golfing Oasis
When it comes to golf, Estonia is no Spain, Ireland or even Sweden for that matter. But the sport is growing, perceptibly, steadily...
The Daily Life of a Model
Tallinn Arts caught up with Anni Jürgenson to find out about her multitasking life and how the real world of a professioal model differs from the clichés.
Maestro: Neeme Jarvi
Maestro Neeme Jarvi has had a long and illustrious career gracing stages across the globe and working with some of the finest...
Martin Kuuskmann
Estonian born bassoonist Martin Kuuskmann is considered one of the true virtuosos of his instrument, playing both its traditional...